Do ya’ll ever stop and think of some of the sayings we heard growing up ?  I remember some funny ones and some that bring back sweet memories . I’m sure most of us heard IF YOU KEEP MAKING THAT FACE IT’S GOING TO STICK LIKE THAT .  Also how many of ya’ll heard COME AND GIVE ME A BITE OF SUGAR…LOL . Did you ever wonder just what is a bite of sugar ? How many were tempted to bite the Aunt that was usually saying it . Also some good sayings that bring back great memories were I LOVE YOU A BUSHEL AND A PECK AND A HUG AROUND THE NECK . And WE CAN LOVE EACH OTHER THAT DON’T COST A DIME . Also a must saying in our family I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND HALF MY LIVER IF I HAD YOU UP MY NOSE I’D BLOW YOU DOWN THE RIVER .  I always wondered why not the whole liver too ? Also another good one was I COULD STRETCH A MILE IF I DIDNT HAVE TO WALK BACK…LOL  So I hope I helped bring back a good memory and helped with a smile today . So please share some of your saying you had while growing up . I look forward to hearing them  and as always thanks for stopping by come back and see us soon